Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Increase in Fixed Medical Allowance for Veterans and Widows: Veteran Prabhot Singh Chhatwal PLS (Retd.).:

Tele-fax: 0175 - 5000896.
Mob: 09855409128.

Ex-Soldiers, Sailors & Airmen

# 3 Guru Ram Dass Nagar, Tripuri Road, Patiala,
Punjab.-147 004. India.

ESSAA/5/2011 Dt: 12 January, 2011.

Secretary to Govt. of India,
Ministry of Defence,
Deptt. of Ex-Servicemen Welfare,
Sena Bhawan, New Delhi.

Sub: Grant of fixed medical allowance @ Rs. 100/- P.M. to Armed Forces pensioner and and their families (including future pensioners/family pensioner/ and pensioner/ family pensioner of erstwhile State Forces.

Kindly refer to your Hqs. letter no. 1(1)/98/D (Pen./Sers) dt: 15th June, 1998 intimating the sanction of the President to grant fixed medical allowance to the Armed Forces pensioners (along with Civilians Central Govt. pensioners) on the recommendation of 5th Central Pay Commission.

Now when the fixed medical allowance of Central Govt. pensioners has been increased (from Rs.100/- to Rs.300/- P.M.) vide the letter no. 4/25/2008-P&PW(D) dt: 26th May, 2010 issued by Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Deptt of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare), Govt. of India w.e.f 01-09-2008. and implemented by Circular No. 78 dt: 08-07-2010 issued by the Office of PCDA (Pensions), Allahabad, the orders to this effect have, so far, not been issued by your Hqs / PCDA (Pension) causing much frustration among the veterans and their families.

As such, you are requested to look into this delay and do the needful at the earliest to arrest the discontentment prevailing among the veterans.
We shall be much obliged.

Yours Sincerely,

Veteran Prabhjot Singh Chhatwal PLS (Retd.)

Copy to: 1. Defence Minister, Govt. of India, Sena Bhawan New Delhi.-
2. Hon'ble Prime Minister, Govt. of India, New Delhi.-
-for information and deemed necessary action, please.
3. PCDA (Pension) Allahabad for information.


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