Sunday, September 12, 2010

Denigrating the status of veterans of the rank of Hav. /Sgt./ Petty Offr. and below by Secretary, Rajya Sainik Board, Punjab: Vet.P.S.Chhatwal Retd.

Dear Veterans,Regards.
Veterans in Punjab, holding the rank of Hav./ Sgt./Petty Offr. and below, are now heading for a very dark future in the field of re-employment in Punjab if an advertisement given in 'Ajit' dt. 12-9-2010 by Secetary, Rajya Sainik Board,Punjab, Brig. (Retd.) I.S. GAKHAL inviting the applications for the post of Care Taker and Chowkidar( Watchman) for Punjab Sainik Rest House Chandigarh is relied upon.
Secy. RSB has invited the applications from the veterans of the rank of Hav. and equvalent for these posts and specified that Hav. with Matriculation as qualification and experience of having worked as Mess Hav. during his army service is only eligible for the post Care taker and Hav. who has passed 8th class is eligible for the post of Chowkidar (Watchman).

As such, it can be easily concluded that-
1. A middle pass Hav/Sgt/Petty Offr. is only eligible for the post for the post of Chokidar/Sweeper /Mali etc.
2. Nk /Cpl/Able Seaman is not eligible for any job in Punjab Govt.
Punjab Vetrans may give their comments below this post (R) below this post and not in chat box.


  1. Dear Mr. PJS Chatwal,
    This denigrating not due to any civilian in the Govt. Instead only and only senior retired officers serving in the Govt. are responsible for the degradation. Intrestingly, the present advt is also released by very senior ands responsible officer.

    Jagtar Singh

  2. Dear Veteran Jagtar,Regards. You are perfectly correct in your observation. How can we blame civilians when our own well wishers are bent upon denigrating the status of JCOs and
    below? This thing is to be understood by all of us .So far we have been blaming only civilian bureaucrats for this.Earlier when Central govt. intructed MoD. to do away with the provision of providing Sahayak to Army officers,how much hue and cry was raised by some senior retired army officers.We, all, have to watch and codemn such things. I am going to raise this point in Governor's meeting.

  3. We had no specific status during our active service. That is the reason this type of degeneration of Ex-Hav/Sgt/Petty Offr has happened with regards
    to re-employment of ex-serviceman.
