It is for the general infomation for ex-servicemen of Dharamapuri District of Tamil Nadu that Ex-Soldiers, Saliors and Airmen Association has moved a case for allotment of CSD canteen at District Dharamapuri of Tamil Nadu. Following letter has been writen to Integrated Hq. of MOD (Army) QMG Branch, Dy. Dte. Gen Canteen Services, New Delhi alongwith the request made by Tamil Nadu Branch of ESSAA to General Officer Commanding, HQ ATNK & K AREA, Island Grounds, Chennai.
ESSAA/CSD-1/2010 Dated: 30-07-2010
Integrated Hq of MOD (Army)
Army HQ's/QMG Branch,
Dy. Dte. Gen Canteen Services,
L-1 Block, Room No.15,
New Delhi- 110 011.
Sub: Welfare Ex-servicemen: Allotment of CSD canteen for
ex-servicemen of District Dharamapuri.
Enclosed herewith, please, find a copy of representation dt.29-07-2010 submitted by our Tamil Nadu State Br. to GOC. HQ ATNK & K AREA, CHENNAI in above connection. The same is self explanatory and deserves your kind attention.
2. About 3000 Ex-Servicemen, Widows & serving personnel are stationed in Dharamapuri District of Tamil Nadu.
3. The nearest CSD canteen available to them for purchase of CSD items is situated in Krishnagiri i.e. about 75 KM away (one way). As such, the ex-servicemen & widows, from most parts of the district Dharamapuri, have to travel about 150 kms. up & down which costs them about Rs. 80/- & a full day.
4. Apart from this they have to stand in queue for long time to avail the benefit of canteen facility.
In view of above, we request you to establish a CSD canteen or extension counter of Krishnagiri CSD or Salem CSD at Dharamapuri which will be a great step towards the welfare of ex-servicemen of Dharamapuri.
We shall be much obliged.
Your Sincerely,
Vet. Prabhjot Singh Chhatwal PLS Retd.
Encls: As stated. President
Copy to:
1. General Officer Commanding, HQ ATNK & K AREA,
Island grounds, Chennai for information and deemed
necessary action, please.
PIN 636701
Sub: Allotment of CSD canteen for Ex Servicemen at
* * * * * * * *
As the general secretary of “Ex-Soldiers, Sailors &Airmen Association, Tamilnadu” (ESSAA), I take this opportunity to submit the following facts and truths for your noble consideration and redressal at the earliest.
Dharmapuri district is economically backward and geographically widespread hilly terrain. It is surrounded by Krishnagiri, Salem and Vellore Districts. CSD canteen facilities are available at Krishnagiri ,Vellore and Salem but not so at Dharmapuri. It is very much necessary to establish a CSD canteen for the Ex-servicemen and widows of Ex-servicemen at Dharmapuri for the following reasons.
1. The strength of Ex-servicemen, widows of Ex-servicemen and serving persons of the district is above 3000.
2. The canteen card holders at Krishnagiri canteen have risen to over 15000. Same is the case with two CSD canteens at Salem town.
3. Due to over strength, these canteens are experiencing long Queues throughout every month. Every card holder has to spend a full day for the purchase of canteen items. Even worse is that they have to start their journey in the wee hours
4. Ex-Servicemen and widows of Ex-servicemen of Dharmapuri have to travel at about 50 kms to 90 kms one way for availing the canteen facility. Totally they travel up and down about 180 kms from Dharmapuri District to Krishnagiri or salem .
5. They have to spend about Rs.80 for bus fair and Auto fair alone.
6. Most of the Ex-Servicemen and widows of Ex-Servicemen of Dharmapuri District are old, weak and not healthy to travel 150 to 180 kms up and down from most parts of the district to Krishnagiri or Salem.
7. More over they are not able to utilize the full canteen facility because of huge crowd, even after standing hours together in the queue. Shortage of some important grocery items are experienced most of the times.
In view of the above facts, it is very much essential to have separate CSD canteen at Dharmapuri for Ex-servicemen and widows of Ex-servicemen of Dharmapuri District exclusively.
I on behalf of ESSAA put forth the following to support the establishing a new CSD canteen at Dharmapuri:
Now Dharmapuri district is having considerable strength. Further viability may be deduced over a cluster of units rather than individually. Since every ESM served the nation equally as others, he cannot be put to hardship on the grounds of such viability. Before establishing second canteen at Salem , Dharmapuri should have been considered by adding the cards of the ESMs living on the periphery of Dharmapuri district or by making the new cards subject of the Dharmapuri canteen . Namakkal district which is well connected with major cities and having many canteens at easily accessible distance has been granted independent CSD canteen in the recent time. Namakkal CSD has less or equal no of cards than proposed Dharmapuri CSD. If a CSD canteen comes up at Dharmapuri large no of ESM from Pochampalli, mathur and Barur area will also avail the CSD facilities from Dharmapuri.
1. Serving officers are available at ECHS Krishnagiri and NCC Krishnagiri. Hence they may be asked to head the Krishnagiri CSD canteen and allot an extension counter at Dharmapuri.
2. Since 12 TN NCC Battalion serves the Dharmapuri area an Extension Counter of Salem canteen may be established at Dharmapuri.
I once again pray your highness to establish a separate canteen / sub canteen at Dharmapuri. Establishing a CSD canteen at Dharmapuri will largely improve the status of ESM ,stop migration of ESM to cities and attract talented youth towards defense services. In the age of internet normal civilian citizen’s life is well improved and Ex servicemen of this region have to spend a day to buy groceries is incomparable. Should there be any need for contribution such as financial , manpower or building to establish CSD canteen viably at Dharmapuri, ESSAA will strive hard to meet the requirements. Hence we may please be informed the same in the larger interest of the Ex-servicemen community of Dharmapuri.
Thanking you, Sir.
Yours faithfully,
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